Hello and a very warm welcome to my website. If you have already read some of my work then I hope that you find this website useful in giving you some further information on the stories and characters. I also hope the website will allow you to answer some questions that you may have...I know that often when I finish a book I have some questions that I’d love to get answers to (it’s not always possible, no matter how hard an author tries, to tie up all the loose ends in a story!)…And here you have an opportunity to do just that – ask questions and get answers.
If you are a first time visitor and stumbled across this site while simply browsing the net, or if you’re looking for some interesting book downloads, then you are equally welcome. You’ll find that this website allows a number of free downloads that require little or no work on your part! The purpose of my website is to let as many people as possible get access to my work, to read it, pass it on and comment on it if they like…